Wednesday 28 November 2018

Nothing lasts forever... except my Embalming.

so this weeks blog is all about the weird and wonderful world of Embalming.
Like a lot of other makeup related topics Embalming combines science and Art , if you have ever see any close relatives after they passed you will know not only how important the task of embalming is, but also how important it is that its done the right way.
The three goals of embalming are sanitation, presentation, and preservation.

The embalming process

There are two main types of embalming: arterial and cavity. The arterial process works by replacing blood with embalming fluids, whereas cavity involves draining and filling the abdomen and chest.
Before embalming begins, the person who has died is washed with a disinfectant solution and the body is massaged to relieve any rigor mortis, when muscles and joints can become stiff after death. The eyes and mouth are closed.
In the case of arterial embalming, the blood is removed via the veins and replaced with embalming fluids via the arteries. Embalming solutions are commonly a mixture of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, methanol, ethanol, phenol, and water.
In the case of cavity embalming, the natural fluids inside the chest and abdomen are removed via a small incision. These fluids are then replaced by embalming solution and the small incision is closed.
After the embalming process is complete, the body is often cosmetically prepared for viewing. This involves once again washing the person who has died, dressing them, grooming their hair and applying make-up. 

There are two main reasons why a Make up artist must know the Embalming process, Firstly, when working in a funeral home knowing what happens to the skin and what products to use, I will include a link at the end of this blog with some great tips on what you would need if working on someone who has passed away. Secondly in order to give a true reflection on what a dead body looks like, especially for TV shows and films we must learn how a dead body truly looks. 

Body Decomposition After Embalming
Doing make up on a cadaver is an extremely important job, not only do you have to make a person look alive, combat all sights of distress and decay but you need to make that person look how they did to there friends and family, it can be especially upsetting is this is not done correctly, using photographs and asking family members can help give loved ones the time and final goodbye they so desperately need. I have an enormous amount of respect and admiration for anyone working in this field. 

If you are interested in learning more about the embalming process I have included a link below, where you can see what a typical day looks like for an embalmer.
Here is a link on what produces you would need.

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